Why My Story Will Shock You... And How After What Seemed To Be A Unbearable Tragidy, My Boyfriend Permanantly Grew A Bigger Penis And Saved Our Relationship!


If you're thinking about using pills, pumps or any other product to get a bigger penis, I'm extremely relieved that you've found my blog because not only will my story shock you, it'll almost certainly save your love life, sex life, a lot of money as well as a lot of time and frustration.

I will tell you exactly why over an 8 month period I was forced to watch Roy try and fail using penis pills, pumps and a range of other penis enlargement products (we even talked about surgery) and how he managed to permanently enlarge his penis size with an extremely unique new product called 'The Penis Professor'.

My name is Nichole, and like so many other woman out there want a man who can care for our needs both emotionally and physically. Men don't understand how hard it is to find the right guy and after meeting Roy I found the man who was everything I dreamed of, save one thing ... he was very small in bed. Roy knew this naturally and even before he meet me must have spent years desperately trying to enlarge his penis so he could satisfy a woman completely.

Penis size your see is very important to a woman as is sex, we don't like to say this as most of us want you to think we are innocent and pure but the truth is VERY different. Roy was sweet and caring, good job, had his own house ( we met when he was in Spain for vacation <3 ). But even through he was basiclly perfect... He was 4 inches long...and like 2 fingers thick...two of MY fingers thick... it was horrible, he always had to use sex toys to get me off, and I was always tortured with the fact that even though he was indeed a great man, he was nothing in bed, but then he found 'The Penis Professor'.  

The Inevitable Started To Happen.

Even though I was disappointed in him sexually and was very tempted to leave him he asked me to stay with him for just a few more months as he tried something to make himself better just for me. He asked me to take a picture measuring him which I though was odd at the time and then the time passed... As the first month went on I could feel he had grown longer and a little thicker, as the months continued to pass his size actually started to become to much for me to handle and I finally I had to stop him so I said "Your Getting To Big, No More Length No More Girth!" Even after he stopped using ThePenisProfessor, he never lost an inch, he's grew large and stayed large! Men can never fully appreciate how wonderful it feels to be "full" down there, snuggled up safe and warm in your mans arms but we woman sure as hell can and we know what we want in sex!

The best part is, now my perfect man really is perfect! His confidence is sky high, he's working out again and getting in great shape, the sex couldn't be better and I have him all to myself, and my god just look at the before and after photos he took with me!

So what did Roy try that didn't work?

Well Roy has a lot of things he's thrown out now and I have seen a little first hand on what works, but of the things I have seen him throw out. Pills of different types he tried for length, he says at first it worked out reasonably well and his penis did start to get slightly bigger...

However, after about 6 weeks of using these pills he was always aroused and it was making being seen in public or work a little awkward for him. Another major issue was he was always spending too much money on these pills. $79.99 for just one bottle that you need to take for months is insane and in the end I think he said he needed much more than the recommended dosage for it to have any real effect.

With him working his way through hundreds of dollars for that was a problem and he had to stop.




He Also Tried "Penis Pumps" And Extenders But Was Forced To Give Them Up.

The first time he used a penis pump, it actually worked to make his penis bigger... although the effects started to wear off. By the fourth day he started to talk about slight pain and discomfort from using the device and after two weeks had bruising and what looked like red splotches inside the skin of his penis. 

He asked a urologist about it and deciding that the pain and discomfort was not worth it, It was even hurting our sex life... a man saying "lets just cuddle" every night is ridiculous.

He also has tried a range of other penis enlarging devices such as the EuroExtender (it cost $165!). But after about two weeks and even more pain and bruising he soon realized that if he was actually going to get a bigger penis, this just wasn't going to work without doing some very probably permanent damage to his penis.

Eventually, He found something that worked...and fast.

After he tried all these pills, pumps and other devices that ultimately had very little effect on his penis size I was about through, I wanted more and was getting less but the last thing he tried was a product called "The Penis Professor".

If I personally had never seen results first hand, I would be a little dubious with the claim they made. But after feeling him get a little bigger every night, seeing him grow and all the fun we get into now I'm glad he decided to give it a try.

What seemed to be so different with this program was that a major consideration was health although more importantly, Through it he discovered an almost unbelievable simple trick to permanently increase the size of his penis using an entirely natural method.

So Listen up men, do your girl a HUGE favor ;)

As you know sex and penis size is important in any relationship, if you can't give a girl what she wants she will get it some place else! If you don't think you measure up then please for the sake of women everywhere try ThePenisProfessor, You could very well be like Roy, a great guy that women liked but ended up in "the friend zone" over and over again. "It's not you its me...", you have heard the lines.

And it did take him a few weeks to fully enlarge his penis to the size I wanted, well a few weeks longer then I would have liked : ). But I could feel and even see noticeable improvements in both his length and girth within the first 7 days, which I'm sure you'll agree is pretty astonishing. By the 8th week he had a very nice size and kept growing for another 2 months until I was like, your to big, stop!

In my opinion, The Penis Professor is the safest, fastest and most effective penis enlargement program I have seen. Obviously every guy is different and your girls going to like different things in your length and girth, but it has worked extremely well for us! Roy would just do some penis exercises every other day, and then every day I think. In the end he would do his workouts in like 6 to 10 minutes, they showed him what to do, he did it and he grew! What could be simpler? And the results are permanent near as I can tell, its been 7 months now and he's still the same size!

Another cool thing about this program is it looked like its almost all video lessons, or at least the parts I saw on his Phone (he would watch the on his phone sometimes so he could do the exercises in the bathroom). They also had other video lessons and helped him with his premature ejaculation and the penis curvature issue the pump caused.

Anyway, I hope you've found this information useful for whatever your situation because I know if Roy discovered The Penis Professor a few years back, he would have been taken long before I came along!

I wish you guys all the greatest success!






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